Monday, April 27, 2015

Injections Suck!

So my first injection totally SUCKED! I came home to a sleeping husband and in trying to be a good wife I didn't want to wake him. I nervously opened the packages to prepare my injection. HOLY SHIT that needle is a lot longer than the one the doctor used as an example. I am in a full blown sweat now and ready to have explosive diahrea at any moment. I told myself to get it together! Thoughts racing through my mind... What if I get a air bubble and die, what if I stab through a major organ, what if I pass the F out?! My mind was racing a hundred miles per hour. I prepared everything and put the needle tip back on the syringe. HOLY SHIT I can't do this. JAY!!!!!!! Wake up I need you to do this... He stumbles over and as any normal person would do he begins to look everything over to make sure he does it correctly. I snap. Full blown Raymond Fuller status and I say to him something along the lines of I already did all that shit just stick it in... Frustrated he told me to calm down and I snapped back with well I am ready to freak out just get it over with! And so he did....... I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and laid my head back. Are you doing ok he said? Yea I replied, hurry! He finishes and I just started crying! I felt a sense of relief to have the first one under my belt yet I had an overwhelming sense of defeat. The further into this we go the more anxious I get. The main question that goes through my mind is what if I can't have a kid!? I try to think about something else when I begin thinking about that but its hard. However, I know the importance of positive thinking and so I try very hard to not let myself be down for too long. I know this is just another bump in the road to something beautiful. I am blessed with my husband, he is my angel!

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