Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Finally... GOOD NEWS

This morning we had an ulrasound to see if my ovaries were reacting to the hormone injections and we were pleasantly surprised to see that they were!!! I have 1 large follicle that is almost at maturity! Follicles get to 16 when considered mature and mine was at 14. This is the first time we have ever seen a follicle (except for one time when it was 3), so we are beside ourselves excited! They gave me 2 more rounds of the bravelle hormone injection that I will take tonight and tmrw night then I will give myself an HCG trigger shot to hopefully release a healthy egg. After that, Dr Casson instructed us to breed like rabits lol! He was so funny, jumping around all excited for us! Its a GREAT DAY!!!!! We will see in a couple weeks if I get my period or not... praying that I won't but understand that like the rest this is all part of the process!! Thanks everyone for your continued support!

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