Monday, March 2, 2015


First step in making sure nothing more than PCOS is happening was to have a sonohysterogram (lets call it sono for short). It’s a very…hmm… strange procedure and feels WEIRD, to say the least. He blew a balloon up in my uterus and released a saline solution to see how it traveled through my fallopian tubes. In his words I had a “beautiful uterus” and “those babies (falops) are clear to tmrw!” Jay and I got a good laugh out of his exaggeration. Then we moved on to the internal ultra sound. If you don’t know what a normal ovary looks like I would suggest googling it. Then google a polycystic ovary; Let me tell you the polycystic ovary is not a pretty sight. On the ultrasound it looks like a mass with a bunch of bubbles on it, super strange. We left this appointment with such relief as it narrowed the possibilities of what could be going on.

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