Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sick of being stuck and probed!

Another ultrasound today; we left with disappointment and I couldn’t control the tears. The 7.5mg of letrozole showed no progress. Dr. C was unavailable to see me after so another doctor came in and described the possible next steps. Injectables, metformin or a combination of both. They are testing my blood glucose levels which will help them determine which route is best and I am scheduled for yet another ultrasound on Friday. Needless to say, I am so sick of being probed and stuck with a needle! We are running out of options with ovarian stimulation and its making me anxious! I am trying to maintain a positive attitude. Women with PCOS have a higher risk of getting uterine cancer and diabetes. What I find interesting is that my paternal grandmother had both of those and PCOS is genetic. I am sure back then, PCOS wasn’t even a diagnosis. Mom is helping me look into grams medical background but its already proving to be a challenge. I wish she were here to ask…………..

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