Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Frequent Flyer Miles

By Friday I should be getting frequent flyer miles as it will be my third trip this week alone to Dr. C! I went today for another ultrasound after I had a follicle at Monday's appointment that was 14mm. Today it was 15mm. Not much growth but at least it is just that... GROWTH! Progress in my eyes! Need to find whatever I can and hold onto it for hope and positive thoughts! They gave me a shot in the office and I will have to do another tmrw then return on Friday to see if it has grown more! Their hope is to see it at 18mm and then I will trigger myself. Fingers crossed! As I said in my last post this is it for a couple months as Jay is going to be 4.5 hours away for 6 weeks at his new job training... I refuse to drive long distance for a piece of ass again! :)

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